Learn how to succeed in an era of rapid change and uncertainty. Join global thought leader Dave Snowden in this one day Masterclass, first time in Hong Kong, on Tuesday 12th Sept 2023.
- Premium Event – First time ever in Hong Kong!
- Masterclass on Thriving through a time of Chaos and Complexity
- Presented by Dave Snowden, award-winning keynote speaker, researcher, c-suite advisor, author and educator, visiting from UK
- Event to be held at the Pacific Place Conference Centre .
- Master Class including a Dim Sum networking luncheon
- Places are strictly limited in order to optimise learning outcomes
Event is organised by CIO Connect Hong Kong.
In these chaotic times, survival requires navigating unknown terrain, and that unknown terrain is reshaping itself daily. Static corporate playbooks have become obsolete. What may have appeared a foolproof plan a few years ago got blown to bits by Covid, generative AI, accelerating climate change, and evolving workplaces.
The winds of change won’t stop howling. Better to be bamboo than oak. Safer at sea as cork than steel.
Professor Dave Snowden developed his anthro-complexity framework for times like these. His leadership techniques enable organizations to thrive on complexity, adapt instinctively, and reoptimize dynamically. He was also principle author of the European Union Field guide on managing in complexity and chaos .
During this one-day masterclass, Professor Snowden will present a practical approach for you and your organization to unleash the power of his anthro-complexity playbook. You will be the beneficiary of Professor Snowden’s thirty years of teaching experience.
Who should attend?
This Masterclass is for those responsible for driving the organisation forward – from executive leadership through to functional management .
Sept 12th 2023
9.00 am to 5pm
Pacific Place Conference Centre, Admiralty Hong Kong
US$ 1000 per participant
Early Bird registrations before 1 Sept. US$ 800 per participant
Professor Dave Snowden, Originator of Anthro-Complexity™ – Unravel the Secrets of True Leadership Excellence!
Founder and chief scientific officer of Cognitive Edge, Professor Snowden’s work is globally renowned for enabling government and industry to better deal with complex issues relating to strategy, organization, and decision-making. He has pioneered a science-based approach for combining anthropology, neuroscience and complex adaptive systems theory into a powerful management toolset. He is an entertaining speaker, much appreciated for his humor, pragmatic cynicism and iconoclastic style.
He holds a visiting Chair at the University of Hull and recently received a special award from the University for his original contributions to Systems Thinking. He has previously held visiting Chairs at the Universities of Pretoria, Bangor and Hong Kong Polytechnic, as well as a visiting fellowship at the University of Warwick. He was a senior fellow at the Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies at Nanyang University and the Civil Service College in Singapore.
His paper with Professor Boone on leadership was the cover article for the Harvard Business Review in November 2007 and also won the Academy of Management award for the best practitioner paper that year. He is an editorial board member of several academic and practitioner journals in the field of knowledge management and is an Editor in Chief of E:CO. In 2006 he was Director of the EPSRC (UK) research programme on emergence and in 2007 was appointed to an NSF (US) review panel on complexity science research.
He previously worked for IBM where he was a Director of the Institution for Knowledge Management. He later founded the Cynefin Centre for Organizational Complexity
Integrated Strategy and Exec consulting
Dave’s work lends itself to a wide variety of strategic, decision-making and direction-setting contexts, working with leaders and managers to improve their complex strategy and decision-making. Key clients include…
- Bosch Europe executives – IT strategy
- Virgin Group – integrated strategy consulting
- Stock Exchange London – integrated strategy
- AstraZeneca – leadership development, digital agility and lifelong learning
- Novartis – strategic KM innovation and organisational change
- Westpack Bank – culture change, service improvement, customer retention
- Standard Chartered Bank South Africa – strategy
- ABSA Bank South Africa – multiple strategy projects
- SmithKline-Beecham – consulting directly to CEO post-merger
- BP (British Petroleum) – use and abuse of AI in oil discovery
- Nexen Canada – multiple strategy and leadership projects
- NatWest Bank Head Quarters – employee engagement
- Government Investment Ministry Colombia – regeneration of urban areas
- Latin American Development bank, Washington DC – strategy consulting
- World Bank and IMF – long term strategic adaptation
- Asian Development Bank – estuarine mapping and strategy
Intelligence and Military
Note that many engagements in this area are strictly confidential and may not be shared. Those that can be include…
- DARPA – direct to CIA Genoa II project with Merlo Park
- Consulted and collaborated on MI5 knowledge strategy
- Naval post graduate school strategy education, Rhode Island US Navy College
- Consulted to Quantico on narrative enhanced doctrine and C2
- Member of Expert panel for UK Defence future of C2 development
- Swedish Military Academy – managing complexity and chaos in times of crisis
- Singapore Military – Formal advisor to PS Ministry of Defence, lead architect Singapore Risk Assessment and Horizon scanning, Head of Civil service and Prime Minister’s Office, Future Warfare directorate advisor
- Previously Senior fellow at Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies at Nanyang University and Civil Service College in Singapore
- Australian Air Force – Officer Retention project to understand causes
- South African Government Anti-Fraud unit project on weak signal detection
Please register below for the upcoming Masterclass below: